
Developing the Left Hand

Graham Fitch presents a range of exercises, studies, repertoire and practice techniques designed to improve left hand skills

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25 Easy and Progressive Etudes - Video Walkthroughs

Series of video walkthroughs for Burgmüller’s 25 Easy and Progressive Etudes, Op. 100.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Schumann - Album for the Young (Part 1)

Graham Fitch’s video lesson series exploring how to practise, interpret and teach each of the 18 pieces in the first volume of this cherished collection of character pieces. More info >>

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Beethoven Sonata Pathétique in C Minor

A collection of 11 videos which provide solutions to the main problem spots in all three movements of this work along with numerous practice suggestions.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Technique - A Practical Guide to Forearm Rotation

This module from the Online Academy's technique library provides a step-by-step approach to incorporating forearm rotation in your playing to feel strong, coordinated and tension-free.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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Getting to Grips with Octaves

Comprehensive guide to building octave technique featuring numerous exercises, examples and video demonstrations.

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Piano Technique Lecture Series

Video lecture series from the Piano Teachers' Course on piano technique by Graham Fitch with a particular emphasis on teaching beginners.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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The Practice Tools Lecture Series

Video lecture series exploring various practice tools that will help pianists of any level get the most out of their time spent practising.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Jailbreaking Hanon

Graham Fitch shows how Hanon's exercises can be used as a blank canvas to experience and develop movements encountered in real music 

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Developing a Balanced Technique

In this video lecture series, Ilga Pitkevica shares insights into approaches and strategies for achieving “pianistic fitness” based on her experience of the traditions of the Russian School of piano playing.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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Practical Psychology for Teaching and Learning

Based on lectures from the Piano Teachers' Course, these video lectures by Lucinda Mackworth-Young provide psychological insight and understanding, and practical tips, to help piano teachers with their pupils.
Format: Online Video Content, downloadable slides and includes free Tuning In eBook! More info >>

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Making Progress with Beginners

In these video lectures based on the Piano Teachers' Course, Ilga Pitkevica shares effective strategies for making quick progress with developing sight reading, teaching scales and building the foundations of speed with beginners.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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The Practice Tools: Quarantining (Pre-order)

Series demonstrating the use of Quarantining and other practice tools in the context of familiar works from the repertoire.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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Anyone Can Improvise!

Dedicated to helping everyone play the music they love and long to play, Lucinda Mackworth-Young introduces her step-by-step system for learning to play by ear and improvise, so that even classically trained piano players can play spontaneously, anywhere, anytime!
Format: Online Video Content and downloadable worksheets More info >>

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Playing Double Notes (Advanced Level)

This series explores how to develop the technical skills needed to play double notes at the advanced level withdetailed advice on how to practise scales, exercises and studies
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Foundations of Good Technique

This collection of video lectures by Ilga Pitkevica show how teaching good pianistic habits and ease of movements and tackling problems caused by lack of flexibility help avoid tension and develop both speed and precision from the start.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum (Part 4 - Rhythm)

Fourth part of a sight-reading curriculum for advanced pianists providing a structured approach to improving sight-reading with detailed instructions, annotated pieces and exercises.
Formats: Online Content with PDF Downloads More info >>

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Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum (Part 2 - Flexibility)

Second part of a sight-reading curriculum for advanced pianists providing a structured approach to improving sight-reading with detailed instructions, annotated pieces and exercises.
Formats: Online Content with PDF Downloads More info >>

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Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum (Part 3 - Playing by Ear)

Third part of a sight-reading curriculum for advanced pianists providing a structured approach to improving sight-reading with detailed instructions, annotated pieces and exercises.
Formats: Online Content with PDF Downloads More info >>

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Teaching Beginners

This video series based on material from the Piano Teachers' Course shows how to make the early lessons purposeful, musical and enjoyable with real lesson excerpts to bring it all to life.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Advanced Sight-Reading Curriculum (Part 1 - Eye Training)

First part of a sight-reading curriculum for advanced pianists providing a structured approach to improving sight-reading with detailed instructions, annotated pieces and exercises.
Formats: Online Content with PDF Downloads More info >>

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Chopin Fantasie-Impromptu in C-Sharp Minor (Op. 66)

A series of detailed video demonstrations on solving the various challenges posed by Chopin's Fantasie-Impromptu, with a special focus on the three-against-four polyrhythm.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Healthy Piano Playing

A comprehensive guide to developing a healthy technique with detailed information and numerous video demonstrations on how to prevent and recover from the most common piano-related injuries.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Playing Together - Etiquette and Tips for Duet Playing

In these videos, based on content from the Piano Teachers’ Course, Beate Toyka and Masayuki Tayama provide a demonstration of the “do’s and don’ts” of duet playing using Mozart’s Five Variations K501 as a practical example.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Preparing for an Examination

This collection of videos offers general tips and suggestions for preparing or a piano examination, covering topics including sight-reading, aural, technical tests (scales and arpeggios), general preparation and practice strategies. More info >>

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Czerny - Practical Method for Beginners (Op. 599)

In this lecture series, Ilga Pitkevica explores Czerny’s Op. 599, explaining how to use the studies to develop and teach musical and technical skills.

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Yoga for Musicians

Collection of videos by Penelope Roskell demonstrating how to apply yoga principles for more fluid, powerful and expressive instrumental playing.
Format: Online Video Content (Converted from DVD) More info >>

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Elementary Technique – Fundamentals of Scales and Arpeggios

This module from the Online Academy's technique library explores the fundamentals of scale and arpeggio playing, providing suggestions and exercises for mastering technical challenges such as thumb passage and gaining speed, with further tips on structuring practice using finger groupings and families.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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The Exercises of Peter Feuchtwanger

Graham Fitch and Daniel Grimwood share their experiences in working with Peter Feuchtwanger and discuss his unique exercises.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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Elementary Technique – Introduction and Basics

This module from the Online Academy's technique library explores the basics of piano technique, showing how to move in ways that are natural to the body for playing that feels and sounds good. It serves as a starting point for beginners and useful for teachers or those seeking a refresher on the basics.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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Rachmaninoff Prelude in C-Sharp Minor (Op. 3 No. 2)

A series of three videos exploring Rachmaninov’s famous Prelude in C-sharp Minor, with tips to solve the technical issues, pedalling suggestions and thoughts on performance.
Format: Online Video Content More info >>

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Warm-Ups Revisited - A Body / Mind Approach

In this two-part video lecture, William Westney re-thinks warm-ups and demonstrates an effortless process that takes only a few minutes to ensure successful daily practice.
Format: Online Content & Video More info >>

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