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Practice Tools Lecture Series - An introduction to practice tools and methodologies which will make your time spent practising more enjoyable and effective.

Technique - Information on mastering areas of technique, exercises and regimes, healthy playing and injury prevention.

Learning pieces - Extensive library of study editions, video walkthroughs and other resources for repertoire of varying levels.

Scales and arpeggios - Guides for practising and improving scales and arpeggios.

Sight Reading - Collection of articles on sight reading and sample exercises at various levels.

Examination guides - Resources to assist in preparation for ABRSM and Trinity examinations.

Teaching resources - Develop your teaching skills and empower your students with resources from the Piano Teachers' Course UK.


Graham Fitch

Graham Fitch, based in London, maintains an international career not only as a pianist, but also as a teacher, adjudicator, examiner, lecturer, writer and commentator on piano playing and musical subjects.


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Penelope Roskell

Penelope Roskell is equally renowned as a performer of international calibre and as an inspirational teacher and professor of piano at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. She is the author of The Complete Pianist: From Healthy Technique to Natural Artistry and is the leading...

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Ken Johansen

Ken Johansen is a pianist, teacher, and writer based in Baltimore, where he teaches at the Peabody Conservatory. His projects include the iPad sight-reading app Read Ahead, a keyboard harmony textbook Harmony at the Piano, the From the Ground Up series and an...

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Masayuki Tayama

Masayuki Tayama has maintained a highly active schedule as both international recitalist and concerto soloist. Tayama’s Wigmore Hall debut early in his career was a sell-out, and he continues to appear regularly at eminent London venues, including Queen Elizabeth Hall, Cadogan Hall and St. John...

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David Hall

David Hall is Director of Music at Twyford School in Winchester and Musical Director of Finchcocks Piano Courses. He is a graduate of Cambridge University and a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists.


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Read Ahead is a comprehensive sight-reading curriculum based on high-quality music, carefully graded and supplemented with a wide variety of exercises to help instil the habits essential for fluent reading.


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Beate Toyka

Beate Toyka, from the Rhineland in Germany, was raised and trained in the heart of the German classical tradition. She is a committed performer and teacher, and active as a concerto soloist, solo recitalist, and accompanist. She appears regularly in the UK, Central and Eastern Europe....

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Fred Karpoff

Winner of the Frances Clark Keyboard Pedagogy Award presented by MTNA, Fred Karpoff has performed as soloist and collaborative pianist on four continents and presents workshops throughout the world. After recovering from a career-threatening injury, his life’s work is realised through guiding teachers and pianists...

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Ilga Pitkevica

Ilga Pitkevica-Baldwin graduated from Jazepa Vitola Latvian Music Academy in Riga with honours and a Master’s degree in Solo Piano Performance, Piano Teaching, Accompaniment and Chamber Music. Ilga is a successful piano teacher with the private practice in Cambridge. Since 2014 Ilga has taught as...

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Lucinda Mackworth-Young

Dedicated to helping everyone play the music they love and long to play, Lucinda Mackworth-Young has pioneered Practical Psychology for Musicians to help teachers and performers teach, learn and perform as effectively and enjoyably as possible. She has also developed a step-by-step system for learning to...

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William Westney

William Westney is recognised internationally as both a master performer and award-winning teacher. After winning the top piano prize in the Geneva International Competition, he performed to acclaim on four continents. His uniquely insightful, refreshing and empowering contributions to piano pedagogy include the innovative performance...

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Charlotte Tomlinson

Charlotte Tomlinson, pianist, teacher, author and performance coach, has become recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in performance anxiety for musicians. She works with musicians around the world through her online courses, talks & master classes and one-to-one consultations, to help them move through...

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Sally Cathcart

Sally Cathcart, PhD and Churchill Fellow, is a musician and pianist who is involved in many aspects and levels of music education. Her first love is teaching the piano and she has experience of teaching all ages and levels. She is Co-Founder and Director of The...

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Daniel Grimwood

Described by Felix Aprahamian as "the finest all-round musician I have ever known", Grimwood is more than just a pianist. His interest in historic keyboards has lead him to perform on pianos of all ages, harpsichords, virginals and organs. As a musical polymath he has...

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