Intermezzo in A Major (Op. 118 No. 2)
Annotated Study Edition (9)
Bars 78 - 92
- We should not be surprised that Brahms writes yet another variant of the opening material. 44 Finally, a melodic ascent of an octave (B-B) in the top line, instead of the expected minor seventh (B-A). We could play this in one of two ways, by making an enthusiastic hairpin crescendo from low B to high B or by doing the opposite and floating the line softly and gently to the top note, giving it plenty of space (an effect known as a “Russian crescendo”). Hold RH top B beyond the pedal change on the second beat to preserve its full length. Many players view this spot as the climax of the piece.
- From here until the end, the material is identical to the opening A section.
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