JS Bach - Prelude & Fugue in C Minor, BWV 847
This section contains walk-throughs and lessons on Preludes and Fugues from Book I of J.S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier.... Read >>
JS Bach - Little Prelude in F, BWV 927
BWV 927 (From the Notebook for Wilhelm Friedmann Bach)
Bach’s lovely Little Prelude in F is a harmonic prelude, essentially an elaborated chord progression. In this article, the basic harmonic skeleton of the piece is gradually fleshed out, allowing students to understand its simple underlying structure, and to work systematically on its various layers.... Read >>
JS Bach - Partita No. 1 in B-flat Major (Menuets & Gigue, BWV 825)
This set of resources provides walkthroughs for movements from Bach's Partita No. 1 in B-flat Major (BWV 825) featured in the ABRSM examination syllabus. Menuets I and II (ABRSM Grade 6) make a beautiful contrasting pair of dances whereas the Gigue (ABRSM Grade 7) is unusual among Bach’s Gigues -... Read >>
JS Bach - Prelude in D Minor, BWV 935
BWV 935
Bach's Prelude in D minor, BWV 935, is a perfect introduction to the two-part Inventions, and a little gem in its own right. In this From the Ground Up edition, we work on developing an overall dynamic scheme for the piece, and on achieving rhythmic vitality through note grouping.... Read >>
JS Bach - Prelude in C minor, BWV 999
ABRSM Grade 4 – A1
Built from a harmonic progression and originally written for lute we can recreate some of the resonance of that instrument either by short touches of pedal, or by overholding some notes of the broken chords. Resources & links Piano Exam Pieces 2021 & 2021, Grade 4 is available from the ABRSM online shop here. The syllabus upon which these Practising the Piano Online Academy materials are based is © by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and is reproduced by permission of... Read >>
JS Bach - Sinfonia No.15 in B minor, BWV 801
ABRSM Grade 7 – A1
Bach’s aims for the Inventions and Sinfonias were to encourage composition (an understanding and appreciation of musical structure), to foster good playing in two and three parts (or voices), and above all "to arrive at a cantabile style of playing". Apart from good tone, a singing style relies on phrase shaping, an appropriate range of dynamics and colour, as well as articulation.... Read >>
JS Bach - Fantasia in C minor, BWV 906
ABRSM Grade 8 - A1
This highly chromatic and brilliant piece featuring hand crossings and running triplets shows Bach trying his hand at the new galant and expressive styles of composition that his sons were writing in. The contrasting second theme in the relative major returns in the home key after a development of the main themes, predicting Classical sonata form. Do not be intimidated by the array of ornaments, these can be organised rhythmically based on the realisations presented in the edition.... Read >>
JS Bach - Invention No.12 in A Major, BWV 783
The Two-Part Inventions of Bach were written for his son, Wilhelm Friedemann, and are as much models of compositional technique as they are studies for the equal development of both hands at the keyboard. We find two main ideas – a rhythmical, percussive motive juxtaposed with a spinning motive in semiquavers. Preview (please log-in or subscribe to see full video) Resources & links Click here to purchase sheet music from the Trinity College online store (external link). ... Read >>
JS Bach - Prelude & Fugue in E Major, BWV 854
Many players are confused by the subject of pedalling in Bach. Should we use it, or should we avoid it? While it is certainly true that none of Bach’s keyboard instruments had any type of device to sustain the sound after the finger left the key, piano sound without pedal can be dry and academic-sounding. I suggest learning the piece with no pedal until we have found the best sound, and then add short, shallow dabs of pedal in those places where we feel the need for some extra resonance or colour. ... Read >>